£³¡¢ICDE SCOP 2007; 3-5 June

ICDE SCOP is a peer-to-peer meeting between presidents and rectors for institutional members of ICDE
The SCOP 2007 will be an exclusive meeting for a maximum of 70 rectors, presidents and chief executive officers from open and distance teaching universities worldwide. The meeting will take place in Heerlen, close to Maastricht in the Netherlands.
Host: The Open Universiteit Nederland
City: Heerlen; http://www.heerlen.nl/
The theme for the forthcoming meeting is "Open Educational Resources as an instrument for achieving Education for All". The subtitle for the meeting is: "Policies, impact, conditions and implementation options for the ICDE membership". Experts on the topic from around the world will be invited as speakers (including e.g. UNESCO representatives and speakers from the Hewlett Foundation and OECD). 
The Minister of Education of the Netherlands will open the conference and the Dutch Ministry of Education is the main partner and sponsor.
The conference organisers will heavily rely on the advice of both the ICDE Task Force on Open Educational Resources (which acts as a Programme Board) and two experts; one from UNESCO/IIEP (Susan D'Antoni) and one from OECD (Jan Hyl¨¦n).
Further information about this meeting is available at the SCOP website; www.ou.nl/icde-scop2007 that regularly will be updated with new information.